Stock Images
Getty Images
24 August, 2017 |
Getty Images is a leader in stock image sales giving their customers the ability to purchase images for use in a number of different locations such as on the web or in print. If you sell your images on Getty, you get an embed code to create previews of the images you have for sale, which link directly to where you can purchase those image, right from within your AppDrag page.
To embed your getty image widget, first navigate to, choose the image you like and copy the embed code provided.
1 - Go to the dashboard and edit your project in the PageBuilder2 - Click on Add Component and select a Source Code > Javascript Source Code embedded

3 - Double click on it to open the source code edition

4 - Enter the Albumizr javacsript code found on

5 - Save your page and publish your website
24 August, 2017