Home Ideas
24 August, 2017 |
Houzz is an online community for architects, interior designers, and home enthusiasts that highlights cool photos, articles and product recommendations for any house-related items. You can use the Houzz embed code to highlight different articles or photos right within your AppDrag site.
You can easily embed different Houzz widgets right into your AppDrag site to showoff different images and stories. To start, head to https://www.houzz.com/buttonsAndBadges/widgets to create your widget and copy the embed code they provide.
1 - Go to the dashboard and edit your project in the PageBuilder2 - Click on Add Component and select a Source Code > Javascript Source Code embedded

3 - Double click on it to open the source code edition

4 - Enter the PhotoSnack javacsript code found on https://www.houzz.com/

5 - Save your page and publish your website
24 August, 2017