Social Network
24 August, 2017 |
From breaking news and entertainment to sports, politics, and everyday interests, when it happens in the world, it happens on Twitter first. You can set up different sharing elements right on your AppDrag site to share your Twitter content on your site, or to help visitors share your site on their own Twitter page.
1.- Include a Twitter Timeline on your page
I - Go to the dashboard and edit your project in the PageBuilder
II - Click on Add Component and select a Twitter Timeline design
III - Double click on it and paste the relevant page url from
IV - Save your page and publish your website
2.- Include a Twitter Tweet / Follow button on your page
I - Go to the dashboard and edit your project in the PageBuilder
II - Click on Add Component and select a Twitter Mention / Share / Follow
III - Double click on it and paste the relevant page url from
IV - Save your page and publish your website
24 August, 2017